Labels:cassette tape | conveyer belt | crt screen | laptop | monitor | poster | table OCR: th: prodict Wits testgned ln Llh blue and producedDy Btue Pirate pirate Santa Monica heprogran Lh r icensed ro prhate hooe woly Wllpho.egraphy packaylny oulLhe Interacthy Steavtrouneut enclosedcn cowpleledprior Hatenbe Clothe RATED X NOTFOR Blue Pirate World Media Performlngal gour Minimum recommendec Start Microsoft Windows hardware requirements From Programme 68030 Mac 4M RAM Manager bit monitor, dual speed select file menu and CD drive system or... choose run 386 PC 4M RAM 8 bit Type d:/setup and press SVGA audio card dual Enter Exlortog Corhidden speed CD drive Windows 3.1 or later STORE IN COOL DRY PLACE this product designed Bite toteraetly studtos Monici waert priate graphy packaylng cLhe lateracthe rcavironnent copplebed prtor Clothes CBlue Performng your reguirements Espl ...